You might even think its intended to be that way
And you're probably right.
With years of experience in all things software, and that's not just licensing but the commercials that underpin high-value contracts, we give you the assurance you need when approaching (or being approached by) your vendors for that next round of review, negotiation, and renewal of agreements.
Whether you need to establish your baseline with a software discovery exercise, or just get some guidance on your contracts and use rights, or perhaps you're at the stage of negotiating your agreements and unsure of the options or position you could take,
Software Compliance can help.
Talk to us about your software contracts and licensing - utilise our experience across:
DesktopsPer-install software to Subscription.
OTS, OSS & Licensed Applications. Win/OS & Linux. Virtualisation & CloudVMware, Hyper-V, Oracle VM
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. |
Midrange ServersApplication, Database, & Systems Software.
HA & Service Recovery environments. Windows Server & Linux. MainframeIBM zOS, zLinux